Resource Enterprises,  Inc.

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Plan of Action

The urgency of the environmental and energy needs facing society in general and the financial needs facing all municipalities in particular are the driving forces of this Plan of Action.

  • The appropriate entities provide financing for a waste to energy plant using Afval Energie Bedijf 's (AEB) waste fired power plant (WFPP) technology. See section on technology.

  • With financing Resource will immediately create a special purpose company (SPC) to begin the work and coordination necessary between the public agencies that are involved and the municipalities that will provide the fuel for the WFPP.

  • As the SPC will be the operating company, its creation will be done with the advice and consent of the organizations providing financing and the public entity receiving control of the asset.

  • The team of specialists assembled to insure success will be charged with the responsibility of fast tracking the construction of the WFPP so the investors will receive the return of their investment and the participating municipalities will receive the financial benefits of this approach to comprehensive solid waste management as soon as possible.

  • The specialists assembled to provide public outreach, education and system performance monitoring will be charged to work with the appropriate educational institutions and public agencies to insure that municipal solid waste, as a resource, will continue to be used to its highest benefit for the public good.