Resource Enterprises,  Inc. 

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Resource Enterprises, Inc.
Tel: 800-853-1045
Post Office Box 161
Ashby, MA 01431
Post Office Box 536
Englewood, FL 34295

Resource Enterprises, Inc was created to implement the concept of a public private partnership to achieve comprehensive management of municipal solid waste. The recent decision of the United States Supreme Court in the United Haulers Association v Oneida-Herrkimer Solid Waste Management Authority case is what makes such an approach possible.

Recognizing both the challenge of climate change and ecomonic priorities of all municipalities, Resource Enterprises, Inc proposes to create a Special Purpose Company to finance, build and make operational a waste to energy facility. Once operational the Special Purpose Company will sell the facility to the appropriate public entity for $1.00 and take back in consideration a 20 year operating contract.

Such a course of action will reduce the creation of green house gases, increase recycling and produce revenue for the municipality. The technology used to create products of combustion (primarily electricity) is well established and proven.

The following information is offered for your consideration and use.

Brian R Hogan