Resource Enterprises,  Inc.

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The waste to energy (WTE) industry in the United States has existed for over thirty years and currently there are 86 WTE facilities processing municipal solid waste and generating electricity. WTE has proven to be a reliable and environmentally compatible technology.

The WTE technology Resource Enterprises, Inc (Resource) chooses to use is the waste fired power plant (WFPP) developed by Afval Energie Bedrijf (AEB) of Amsterdam NL. The mission statement and vision of AEB to be the best in processing waste material while generating the highest possible environmental yield at the lowest possible cost is consistent with the approach of Resource in considering municipal solid waste as a fuel.

The objectives of AEB's WFPP design can be summarized as follows:
· The net electrical efficiency will exceed 30%.
· Availability will exceed 90%.
· Designs will be according to the BAT principle.
· Complete reuse and recycle of residual materials.
· No pretreatment required for incoming MSW.
· Maintain or reduce MSW travel distances and time.

Combining those design objectives with Resources' objectives of treating MSW as a fuel and the avoidance of exporting this valuable resource to distance landfills will finally complete the hierarchy of comprehensive solid waste management. This hierarchy of REUSE, RECYCLE, and RECOVERY is the driving force behind Resources' approach of treating MSW as a fuel.

For more information on AEB please go to